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Inter-Ministerial Committee on Land Reform to host the National Communal Land Tenure Summit
Inter-Ministerial Committee on Land Reform hosts 2-day summit on land ownership
Communal Land Administration and Tenure Summit Day 2
Communal Land Administration and Tenure Summit Day 2
Communal land use described as an 'African Curse'
Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, 29 November 2022
Academic discussion underway around land reform and the issue of expropriation without compensation
The land shall be shared among those who work it? Interrogating the release of state land
Traditional Leaders to fight expropriation of communal land
Land reform in SA | Bid to amend the constitution fails
Port Saint Johns | Residents still cannot build homesteads on communal land close to the ocean
Scotland's Land Information Service: what it is and why it matters